Monday, 11 August 2014

Dear All,

Middle East Relief Fund


We have heard many deplorable stories and despicable pictures of the atrocities of the on-going 'holocaust' (some called it) in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. United Nation has condemned it. Pope Francis urged International Communities to stop this crime and to pray for a solution. Archbishop Justin Welby called this 'horrific' and called for prayers to God for peace, justice and security and called international communities to stop this violence.  

The on-going conflict in Gaza has caused the death of and displaced many civilians due to the hard-hearted leadership of the government of Israel and the Gazan authorities. No one will win in such conflict. Violence cannot overcome violence. 

The ISIS group has been inflicting pain, hurt and death upon many Christians and Muslim civilians in Northern Iraq and some parts of Syria. This sort of atrocities has been labeled by many as 'the worst since the Second World War', as it is not civil war, not religious war, not cultural war but evil 'Satanic war against humanity'.     

Here are some links for prayers.

All these regions mentioned are in the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East where the Archbishop Mouneer Anis is the primate. His province is in the most violent part of the whole present world. Please rally prayers for them including Egypt, North Africa, Horn of Africa, the Gulf nations, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Cyprus and Israel - altogether 11 nations. There are a couple of churches, one hospital and a few schools in Gaza. In Syria and Iraq, there are also couple of churches and schools each. Now the congregations in Syria and Iraq are dwindling rapidly. Many have died and many have become refugees in neighbouring areas including Jordan and Lebanon.

I am setting up the MIDDLE EAST RELIEF FUND and appealing for donations to help all the refugees due to the violence particularly those in Gaza, Syria and Iraq. This FUND will be first channelled through Archbishop Mouneer Anis, the Diocese of Egypt, and also through other reliable agencies. Please pray and give generously. Within a short time, once we have reach USD10,000 we will send out first. Subsequent donations will be sent in batches if necessary. Please send in your donations to THE DIOCESE OF WEST MALAYSIA and do designate it to the MIDDLE EAST RELIEF FUND. Our Standard Chartered Bank account is   312-100883131  and our Maybank account is  5140 1139 4072.
May the good Lord guide us in our relatively safer and comfortable environment to respond positively.

Thanks. See you in Synod.

+Moon Hing

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